19 October 2010

Weekly Summary 11-17 Oct

11 October 2010

Monday morning and that means only one thing! Yes, the slog back to work starts all over again, but it also means going easy on my favorite hilly route!  11k's, last kilometer barefoot.

Movescount 2010.10.11

13 October 2010

Did 21km in 1:40 on the road.  This was a rather tough route.  Lots of hills.  In total I did 8 uphills and 8 downhills with very little flats in between.  If I did more than 4k's on the flat I would be surprised.  This was excellent training for the Three Peaks which is up, down, up, down, up, down pass out!

Movescount 2010.10.13

14 October 2010

During the night the flood gates in the sky really opened up! When I started my run at 6am the streets were flooded.  Soon after it started small marble size hail started to hammer me.  Luckily I had my peak cap on, but damn that hail still hurts your head.  Soon after the streets and lawns were covered in white ice!  Surprisingly I wasn't the only runner out on the road. The run itself was a 45min tempo sessions reaching it's peak for 10 minutes before starting to slow down again.  Was a tough run after last night and could feel my legs were tired.

Movescount 2010.10.14

16 October 2010

We headed out again to Groendal for a 35k run.  This time exploring the dam side.  A couple of K's dirt road let us onto sublime single track.  The single track followed the ridge line going over numerous hills before dropping us down into the ravine feeding the dam.  Thanks to the great rains earlier the week we could fill our bottles in the river and cool of a bit.  Heading back we had to conquer an ascent that makes the steps on Platteklip Gorge look like steps in the retirement home.  Great training for the up and coming Three Peaks challenge.  If only the ascent was longer.  Finish the last 8k's strong running at race pace.

Movescount 2010.10.16

17 October 2010

I headed out for another 21k run following the same hilly route as Wednesday.  This time it was mid day and the sun blazing with tired legs.  Surprisingly my legs reacted well and felt fresh after the second hill.  The sun also did not push my HR as expected and I finished a little sooner than Wednesday.  All in all a good effort, I'm very pleased.



1 comment:

  1. You are training far harder than me, I'm pleased I'm not running 3 peaks...
