27 January 2012


The last couple of weeks saw some first for both of us.

We did our first group ride. Everyone's abilities and fitness levels differed so each one missioned on at his/her own pace stopping and waiting here and there.  Lida was able to ride some rather technical sections while I tried to be the extremist and ride everything which included stairs.  I didn't fall but did end up with a nasty tire roastie on my inner thigh...don't ask.

Single Track 1    Lida 0

We did 10k's on the beach front which was a great Sunday cruise.  Not difficult at all, but a good opportunity to set Lida's bike up and see how her new seat performs.  I'm happy to report that she finished without any discomfort considering she didn't wear cycle shorts. 

Beachfront Face

The temperature and humidity in Port Elizabeth is a little better at the moment and our normal weekly course is getting faster and funner. Well, until Wednesday. Lida didn't eat the whole day. You've guest it, she bonked and she bonked hard! After the single track she had to lay down, luckily her mind still functioned to remember not to lie on the spider infested grass, but rather in the road.  Welcome to the world of endurance athletes, my love! I've been there and it ain't no fun. So let this be a lesson to you kids, eat well!

I told you Lida can be stubborn and the very next day she was in the saddle again.  When I got home after work I found her on the couch with a peanut butter sandwich in the one hand and glass of Oros in the other. No bonking today! 
     We tried out a new track and wow was it awesome. We had our first taste of how awesome downhilling can be. We also had our first taste of how brutal hills can be...and cactus.  Lida was so concerned with her rear wheel while riding on the pavement that she didn't see the cactus. She rode through it and almost ended up in peak traffic in front of a car.  But she soldiered on and up the hill. So proud of her!

This weekend were off to Cape Town so no riding for us.  I think Lida deserves a rest before we kick it up a notch next week.

Enjoy the weekend, and go ride your scrunchie off!

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