24 December 2009

SALOMON XT Hawk Review 2

These XT Hawk's are great! I've taken to the trails a couple of times with these red, bull run shoes and can happily say that I'm pleasantly pleased.

On paper the Hawk's are 11g lighter than the Wing's. Although, once you put them them on it gives the sense of barefoot running.

Over short technical distances these shoes perform well. I felt more agile hopping over boulders and didn't once come short for grip. It's still to be seen how they will perform over a longer distance. My prediction is that they may be a bit flat in an ultra race.

16 December 2009

Woodridge Trail

It's never been so much fun going to school. I've also never looked this much forward to returning to school! The reason for my excitement? Woodridge College & Preparatory School boasts a national standard cross country mountain bike course. I had the pleasure this morning of running the course and a bit more!

Woodridge is situated 35km outside Port Elizabeth on the hills forming the Van Staden's Pass.

After I sorted out my permit and had a quick brief of the route, I set off to explore this wonder world! No less than 95% of the course is single track, sweeping through forests and some open grasslands. There is a area not accessible to MTB's that goes down to the valley floor. This is a real challenge with an indistinct path and branches blocking your way, a TRUE TRAIL RUN!!!

The official course measures just short of 8km. Adding some of the other out and back single tracks I was able to hit 12km on the GPS. By adding the Van Staden's Wild Flower Garden to your route you will be able to easily clock 25km. That will be 25km of very technical trail running. This area will surely form the part of my training for my next big race.

Permits for Woodridge is available at Cyclopro and will cost you R20 a day or a mere R100 for a year permit.

My inside sources told me that we might even see a trail race here in the near future. So look out for that one

12 December 2009

Let's Talk Epic

The ABSA Cape Epic is an annual MTB race stretching over 8 days, 722km and 14635km of climbing. It is considered one of the toughest MTB races in the world and surely the toughest in South Africa.

The Epic has been held since 2004 has has gone from strength to strength. The Epic also attracts some of the leading mountain bikers accross the globe with the likes of Christoph Sauser, Karl Platt and South African homegrown boy Burry Stander.

Currently in it's 6 year the Epic has gone through some changes. The race used to start in Knysna and work it's way down to Somerset West, Lourensford, approximately 800km west.
Now the race stays in one town for a couple of days before moving on giving the organizers the opportunity to pick out some of the best and most technical mountain bike routes.

It is `n tough task to complete the Epic, both mentally and physically! Apparently seeing people cry behind the showers is not that a strange thing to see!! Two very unfit guys are attempting to go from fat to fit for the Epic. Follow their adventures here!

I have attended the Epic this year as part of the official bike wash and will do so again next year bringing you the good news straight from the front line!

09 December 2009

Racing The Flat Mountain

When Antonio de Saldanha climbed Table Mountain 506 years ago, to orientate himself, it probably took him a day to climb the flat looking mountain.

Yesterday the record for the fastest accent up Table Mountain was recorded. Within 27 minutes and 52 seconds Andrew Hagan completed the ascent. Well done Andrew!

To top this he came down in 11 minutes 43 seconds!

The route was via Platteklip Gorge. Starting where you leave the tar road and ending at the top (obviously). It's approximately a gain of 600m in altitude. Andrew ascended Table Mountain at 21 vertical meters per minute!

So you think YOU can do better? Join the race next year! In the mean while, leave a comment and lets see what were your best time up the Mountain.

07 December 2009

SALOMON XT Hawk Review 1

I think wearing these shoes to the Pamplona Bull Run will be a bad idea! These shoes are red! Really really red! But they also say that red makes a Ferrari go fast!

This is my third generation Salomon's. First pair was the XA Pro 3D. Second pair the XT Wings and now the XT hawk.

The XT Hawk reminds me of my XA's. Perfect fit from the start! Light and a wide toe box. Only the trails will be able to answer the rest of the questions I have. So I'll wait for the weekend then!

Adventurer Of The Year

National Geographic is searching for the adventurer of the year.

Go check it out!

My favourite will have to be either Dean S. Potter the sky flier, because he has a awesome movie or Diane van Deren. Diane has a amazing story. She had a lobectomy in 1997 and has since won the Yukon Arctic Ultra 300 in 2008. Seeing that I'm an ultra runner myself, she will get my vote!

Check it out and VOTE!


I picked up my Salomon XT HAWK's today. I won them at the first Triangle Sports Salomon Baakons Valley Trail Run.

Hopefully I'll get a chance soon to test them. Will keep you up to date with some reviews.

06 December 2009

First Day Out

It's been my first day out on the trails since the 3 Peaks Challenge a month ago. Also my first day out in Port Elizabeth. Was a good day! 12km of technical single track in the Van Stadens Wild Flower garden. More wild than flower though! Didn't really notice any fancy flowers. One part under a lush indigenous forest canopy and the other next to a gorge with barking baboons on the other side!