23 April 2014


Easter weekend rolled in and the weather was looking great! With the parents, newly grand mothered and grandfathered, in town we had some fun up our sleeves.
First up was an egg hunt in the St Georges park. We took turns to hide chocolate eggs, bunnies and even polar ice bears in the nearby bushes and trees.  Everyone then got a chance to go on a hunt with the assistance of "cold" or "hot".  My trusty GoPro was there as well to capture the moment.
   Besides treasure hunting we acted like kids again and did handstands, went on the swing, see-saw and "romtomtalie".
Round  and Round we go
Easter Bunnies be every where

We had a swinging time
Geocaching in the park

Easter eggs also everywhere

Family Day, Monday, took us to St Francis Bay and the river. The plan was to head up river with the guys froom River Break and find a cache that is part of a multi cache which starts in Cape Town.  What is a cache you might ask? Well its part of Geocaching.  A much more advanced form of Easter egg hunting.
Geocaching is a world wide treasure hunt. You hide something and post the GPS  co-ordinates on their website. Its then for anyone to use those co-ordinates to go find the cache and write their name in the logbook.  Thats the simple version. The creative guys use rhymes and riddles to make you solve the answer for the co-ordinates. And dont think these caches are easy to find. They can range from micro size to as big as shipping containers placed in the depths of the sea to even in space!  its a great way to explore the world, have fun and the whole family can join in.  If you are not sure how to go about going on adventures and feel that your short of creative ideas. Just sign up at Geocaching and start caching. But be warned, it might take total control of your life and take you places you thought you would never visit.

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