03 February 2012


The idea was to hike the +-6km and 700m vertical gain to the top of Bothmaskop.  Strange how Google Earth can make gradients look much flatter than it really is.

We started out at about 10am, which was late as the temperature pushed above the 30's already.  We had limited time and not 100% sure of the route to take.  After some extra turns and bumps through the plantation we finally got onto the spine of this "little" koppie. The last section before getting to the open veld on the foothills were luckily shaded and offered some degree of stoney steps.

Stepping onto the foothill the gradient noticeably goes up quite a few degrees.  There is no real rig-zagging up the contours like Lions Head offering a straight ascent to the mountain ridge.  The heat was exhausting sitting at 37 degrees and time running out.  I made it to an elevation of 700m, still a good 200m below the summit.

We took a more direct route back to the car dropping 500m in 3.65km.
Whats goes up...

I'll be back in Cape Town 18 February and if all goes to plan will be able to report back on a successful ascent.  If time allows it we will push on and follow the ridge to Saaltjie returning via Jonkershoek.

Never trust a plantation road to go in a straight line

Making my way up with some walking sticks

Self portrait with Bothmaskop in background

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