22 August 2010

Weekly Summary 17-21Aug

Tuesday 17 Aug

Went out to George for work. This always gives me the opportunity to explore new areas. Seeing that I had to do 19km I was amped to get in some decent sight seeing. What was suppose to be a moderate, flat, long interval road run turned out to be a partial, hot, dusty ascent of Montagu Pass in George. It's a gravel pass connecting George with Herold and is an absolute splendour. Some long hills to negotiate (really worked the quads) and on return it turned into long speedy downhills to hammer the hamstrings! Overall a good work out in an awesome part of South Africa.  I made a mental note to myself to attend the Om Die Berg trail run next year!

Montagu Pass
Movescount 17.8.2010

Thursday 19 Aug 2010

Went to Target Kloof to do eleven stair repeats.  It would have been great if the stair was another 2 flights up just to really get the heart racing.  They say you need to give names to difficult hills and sections.  It gives that hill a life of it's own and you start fighting a battle with it.  Led Zeppelin inspired me here and I named the stairs after their most famous song "Stairway To Heaven".

"Stairway to Heaven"
Movescount 19.8.2010

Saturday 19 Aug 2010

Woke up with rather stiff legs after serious leg workout in the gym on Friday.  Tried to walk it out and stretch it out, but wasn't very successful.  I finally started with the run at around 2pm in Longmore plantation.  A lot of undulating hills.  This should be the perfect training run for Baviaans Trail Run with 4 steady climbs of about 4km each. After 32km it was time to increase the pace gradually over the last 6km to marathon pace.  With 2 steep hills to negotiate it was a bit tricky to get the pace right.  Finished the last 2km just below race pace.  the lactic acid had built up a lot, but after 5 minutes of walking around it felt a lot better.  Back at home it was time for a ice bath followed by lots of food! Yum Yum Yum!

Movescount 21.8.2010

This week was the first of two peak weeks.  Not a lot of frequent running, only 3 sessions, but it has been hard running and a lot of distance.  Next week sees more frequent running and some very hard running mid week.  looking forward to it.  I'm feeling good about the Baviaans Trail RunI will be using this weeks long run as a benchmark for the race.  I strongly believe I can do a 4 hour run. That is if i don't get lost. Four hours is good enough for second, maybe first if Warren Petterson has a bad day, which is unlikely.

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