04 August 2010

Woodridge Trail Run Report

This new run on the trail calendar is a little gem! Sure to become a firm favourite under the few trail runners and awesome alternative to chasing the line for the hordes of tri-athletes in Port Elizabeth.


The day started of chilly and misty, but by the time the start gun went off the sun was shining like it was summer. The first 2k's was a gentle uphill on some single track and gravel road. I took in the second position letting the front runner go in the hopes that I will catch him toward the end or make ground on the technical sections. After a steady climb we entered an area called "pudding bowl". It's a couple of hundred metres of twisting and turning single track in a little forest. Time to make up some ground and try and shake 3rd place! It worked well and on the intense descent into the gorge I made some more ground. The gorge is about a 2km section in indigenous forest with a trickle of a stream and slippery rocks. My trail skills came into play and I was able to drop 3rd place and pass the guy in front. I was able to get a bit of a lead, but the middle section of the race was characterized with two steep climbs which saw number 2 taking the lead again and sprinting up the hills! We could only manage a power hike.


The last section was free flowing single track. I thought I had 2nd in the bag, but on the last climb number 3 caught up to me. We ran together for a bit at an easy pace before we both realised the end is only 2k's away. I was expecting an attack towards the end and picked up the pace first. With 1k to go we basically reached a flat out sprint. We emerged onto the finishing field with people cheering for the winner and for our close battle. I just could not get my legs to move fast enough. I finished 3rd losing the sprint in the final metres.


These type of races are always the most fun. A close battle and very strategic. The Woodridge Trail Runs Series was a success and I hope it will be back again next year.


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