20 September 2010

Weekly Summary 13-19Aug

13 September 2010

Got out of bed super excited this morning, but my excitement didn't carry through to my jog.  Did about 50minutes of running just playing with the pace.  Felt a bit sluggish.  Hopefully this was due to the string of late nights over the weekend.  Will make it an early one tonight  so that I can be rested for the final speed session tomorrow.
      Went for a 30 minute swim in the afternoon to get some fresh blood flowing through the legs.  Felt super good afterward.

Movescount 2010.09.13

14 September 2010

My final speed session before the race.  Did 8km easy, 3km fast, 1km easy.  The rest and carbo loading is definitely starting to pay off.  Almost my whole run this morning was in sunlight, BRING ON THE SUMMER!

Movescount 2010.09.14

16 September 2010

Did my final run before the Baviaans Trail Run.  Went out for a 30minute jog around the block in another gusting morning.  My legs feels like a wound up jack in a box on steroids ready to explode!
   Went for a deep tissue massage in the evening.  The therapist gave me a proper tongue lashing, because it's been a year since I had my last massage and my muscles was so tight she couldn't feel the different muscles....oops!

Movescount 2010.09.16

18 September 2010

The day of the Baviaans Trail Run! 38km 1400m of climbing and millions of egg size rock to run over.  Achieved second place and is absolutely stoked about it.  I worked super hard and my watch confirms it!

A lot of hard running!

Movescount 2010.09.18

Weeks of training hard finally came to and end with the Baviaans this week.  I'm really happy about the second place.  Hind sight is a bitch though.  Missing out on first place with 5 minutes I can't help to feel that if I pushed harder on that hill or maybe went a little faster on that section that I could have done it.  But I refuse to let this dominate my thoughts and rather bask in the glory of second.  I wasn't as strong up the hills as I would have wanted to be so will review my training for 3 Peaks Challenge in 6 weeks time.  That will be only hills.

The sun is coming up nice and early now and setting later, so no more dragging myself out of bed! I can get those early morning runs in and focus on my studies.  Studies actually need a lot of focus for the next 5 weeks! Busy times! 

Enjoy the running! 

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