01 September 2010


A short post about a special moment in the history of my former paintball team. Former, because I don't live in Cape Town anymore.

Finally! Koevoet, translated to "crowbar", can say they are victorious! I'm not referring to the counter insurgency unit of the 1980's, because they still can't claim victory seeing that they are disbanded, but rather to Koevoet the paintball team.  After their 3rd attempt at the annual 5 man paintball championship at PBA they reached the finals and won.  Can't believe I wasn't there to experience this.

The day started of with only 4 members and recruiting the 5th man on the last minute.  It was a tough day loosing some games and having to fight really hard to win some.  After a couple of games the communication got better and they started to work as a team.

Koevoet progressed into the semis, not unfamiliar territory.  On the previous two occasions  they reached the semi's after playing super strong the whole day just to loose the semi finals. I was captain at the previous two occasions...food for thought...mmmmm.  Koevoet won the semi's and reached the finals facing Jesters.

The finals was decided by playing the best out of 3 games. Jesters won the first one and the second game went to Koevoet after a daring "chariots of fire" run to plant the flag. The final game was a close one with Koevoet loosing 3 of their 5 men, but pushed on to make it 2 out of 3! Victory...finally!

It was an epic day of paint-balling! Congrats Koevoet!


1 comment:

  1. Ja ek wou nounet sĂȘ, as jy eers in koevoet was sal jy altyd in koevoet wees ou mater...

    Dit was 'n bittersoet oomblik dat jy en Dirk nie daar kon wees nie, maar weet net ons het julle saam met ons gedra sondag :)
