06 September 2010

Weekly Summary 30Aug-5Sep

 Firstly a quick summary for August.

30 August 2010

Went for an easy late afternoon run through the valley.  Did the reverse route for my TT route.  Interesting how your mind plays tricks you.  I ran past a familiar marker that my I always pick up close to the end of the TT and all of a sudden my mind was playing games and recognized the marker with pain and tiredness.  Overcame it shortly after though.  My legs were still a bit tired towards the end after the weekends bundu bashing.  I hope the taper will sort that out.

Movescount 30.08.2010

31 August 2010

Today was the day I was dreading for quite a while.  3x4mile intervals.  That's a lot of hard running.  Jumped out of the bed just after 4:00 and headed out the door into a gusty wind.  Not ideal.  I ventured into PE city center once again where I could take a break from the wind. 23.75km later I was safely home and the wind stopped blowing, just my luck.  It was hard work, but the endorphins running through my veins for the rest of the day is worth it! Go run far and hard, you won't be disappointed, DO IT NOW!

Courtesy of blaugh.com
Movescount 31.08.2010

 1 September 2010

 Had a nice little swim after work. The headed out to the 8km time trial.  This would be one of my last opportunities this year to set a good time.  Sub 30 minutes has always alluded me even though my VO2max test last year said I can break it.  The trial started of a bit windy, but after the hill the wind dropped and the pace picked up. The last couple of K's was painful, but felt fast so I was positive.  After crossing the finish line and catching my breath my watch confirmed my suspicion, 29:15!!!! WOW! I was over the moon! All the training is paying of and it is great to see it! My girlfriend surprised me with an ice cold beer to celebrate when I got home, hows that for positive reinforcement.

 Movescount 01.09.2010

2 September 2010

 After my successful time trial yesterday is was time to do some hill repeats.  The legs felt rather good, considering the week I've had.  I still can't seem to get into my zone 3 (171BPM-182BPM) for long enough, never mind reaching above zone 3!  I know it's not that important for longer distances, but I like pushing the envelope every now and again.

Movescount 02.09.2010

4 September 2010

Parked the cars at the SPAR and ran part beach part road verge for 8km. Started 9km magnificent single track through coastal milkwood forest.  Being tall does have it's draw backs.  I had to dodge a lot of low hanging branches and my lower back got a proper work out!  Had excellent views of the ocean and dunes.  After this pristine piece of single track the slog back to the car was not "lekker".  I tempo'd the final 6km.

Dunes on the horizon...perfect training for desert running!
Movescount 03.09.2010

This was an amazing week.  A lot of kilometers covered and mostly at speed.  Usually I sleep a lot, but since last week's awesome run in Groendal I had the one after the other training run pumping endorphins through my bloodstream.  It is amazing how the body functions and are able to thrive on a self created chemical!  So with all the time spent on the road and rather busy at work I got less sleep, but felt less tired and super amped each morning to jump out of bed and get those endorphins flowing again!

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