26 October 2010

Weekly Summary 18-24 Oct

18 October 2010

I was home today, because I was writing exams in the afternoon.  The morning was a perfect summers morning.  It was super hot and no wind.  I decided to head into the valley for an easy 10k run.  The heat pushed my HR up higher than I wanted so the pace was very slowly.

Movescount 2010.10.18

19 October 2010

Today was suppose to be a big hill session and the last of my hill sessions before Three peaks.  My legs was tired, probably due to a hectic gym session the night before.  Rather annoyed with myself it was not as good a quality session as I would have wanted.  Did 15 repeats like I was suppose to, but not doing the distance or time on them.

Movescount 2010.10.19

20 October 2010

Went out for an easy run through the valley again.  On the return leg a flattish section I experienced pain and discomfort in my left knee. NOT GOOD! It went away quickly, but it happened a few times in the next 100 meters.  After that I had a pain free run back home.  I had some pain in my knee during the weekends long run, but was only for a short period and after some heavy sessions earlier this week without pain I didn't think much of it.

Movescount 2010.10.20

21 October 2010

Took the day of to give my knee some rest.  It feels fine, but does twitch some times while walking downhill.

23 October 2010

Went out for a 20k run with the group in the forest.  Was an easy effort.  Knee felt good except for a handful of times during some early descents, but this improved as I warmed up.

Movescount 2010.10.23

24 October 2010

Had a pain free 40 minute pace run on the road. Mental note: "More flat roads until full recovery."

Movescount 2010.10.24

This was a frustrating week for me.  Just finishing peak week the last thing I expected was picking up an injury.  I'm trying to keep a positive mind about it and doing everything in my power to heal as quickly as possible. Ice, rest, massages, physio and Ice Man (perde salf).  In the past I've experienced various injuries before important races and miraculously healed for each of them,  except those injurious was usually self induced by doing stupid things while NOT running.  But this time it's different!  
      I've got confidence in my bodies ability to heal quickly and therefore I WILL be ready when toeing the line for Three Peaks next weekend.

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