04 October 2010

Weekly Summary 27Sep-3Oct

27 September 2010

First day of training again.  Went for a 10km run over on a very hilly route.  We've all read or heard about Born to Run and barefoot running.  Anton Krupicka also does barefoot running at the end of a lot of his sessions.  I have decided to try this out.  Did the final 2 minutes of my run barefoot.  I know it's not much, but start small!  It was amazing.  I felt so alive and in touch with my running.  Definitely looking forward to my next barefoot session.

Movescount 2010.09.27

28 September 2010

Did 11 hill repeats. Ended of with 3 stair repeats. Was a tough session and felt very wobbly at the end.

Movescount 2010.09.28

29 September 2010

Got up at 6:00 and the sun was shining bright! I just love the summer.  Went for an easy 7.5km run and going barefoot the last 1km.  I'm really starting to look forward to these barefoot sessions and can't wait until I can do some descent distances barefoot.  Got a lot of strange looks from people on their way to work, I carry my shoes in my hands while bare footing.  They probably think I'm craze.

Movescount 2010.09.29

30 September 2010

Chris and I went out early for the Thursday valley run.  We headed down the valley and found a new short, technical and steep incline.  We raced to the top and while catching our breathes on the bench decided to run to the next hill in the valley, run to the top and tempo it back to meet the rest of the group as they started.  It was a frantic 20 minutes, but well worth it.  Nothing like an unexpected challenge.  I'm happy to report that my legs are also feeling good.  Ended up to be a 10.7k run with loads of steep hills.

Movescount 2010.09.30

2 October 2010

Personally this run was a huge mental effort. I've got some mixed feelings about it, but a lot of positive things that came out of it.  It was a 45km run on rather boring undulating forestry roads.  It used some rather strong mind power to power up the 3-4km hills without walking even on the return leg when I was starting to feel nauseous and had to control myself to not vomit.  At the end I learned how to run hills efficiently with correct breathing rhythm and body form.  Something I have struggled with the last couple of months.  So it was a positive experience, although I had to learn the lessons the hard way.

Movescount 2010.10.02

3 October 2010

Was suppose to go for a 20k run.  It would have been interesting to see how I far after yesterdays run.  My legs did feel good so I think it would have been good.  But instead I took the day of to get engaged to my lovely girlfriend/now fiance Lida Brand.  Love you lots girl!

Sorry, no Movescount for this one...

1 comment:

  1. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwh, jy so cute!!!!! The first and probably the last time I will ever be put before running...jgotta love being a running fan!!
